GOQIK - Search Property Managers

Search Property Managers

Find A Property Manager For Your Residential & Commercial Portfolio

GoQik offers required tools for real estate owners to manage their own properties in a cost-effective manner, however it may not be possible for all the landlords to take on the burden themselves for various reasons.

If you are a Landlord who is busy with full time work or business or own properties far away from your home, you may need to consider to find a property or estate manager who is local.

GoQik offers the facility for individual property managers and management companies to sign up and create their detailed profile so property owners can find you easily.

Our mission is to streamline information and workflow between property owners, estate agents, property managers and accountants so that it is a win-win situation for all parties involved in the real estate industry.

If you are an experienced property manager, please sign up now or if you would like to have a test ride first, please contact us for a demo as we have created a demo account for you to login and explore the live system.

Please get in touch with GoQik Team today.